Saturday, April 25, 2015

Little Green: Blog post five

I have started a new book and it is called Little Green: Growing up during the Chines cultural revolution.  The reason I like this book because China is one of my favorite countries to learn about because for one it is one of the longest lasting civilizations that was like an empire, and second its kind of a weird reason to choose why but I have this video game that takes place in future China so I wanted to learn about the history too through someone's eyes. So I am liking it so far.

My book is about a girl named Little green. She was born right at the start of the Chinese cultural revolution so this is basically the only life that she has known. When she was young her dad was sent to a work camp because their country's leader said that their country was built on labor and prosperity.Then Her mom was moved into the country to teach schools their. There her and her younger brother live there along with twelve other families. Their grandma has come to help take care of them.I left off when Little green is awoken to her mom getting up at midnight and marching through town as part of the Chinese cultural revolution.

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