Monday, November 10, 2014

Blog 2

In my book touching spirit bear there is a teenage boy named Cole. He is very independent in a bad way because he feeds off of other people's fear and anger. His parent are divorced which is probably making things worst for him. His dad is a good lawyer and he has got him out of most of the things that Cole has done. But one day he has finally pushed his luck and gets himself in a big pickle and his dad is letting him take the consequences. He is given 2 choices he can either go to prison or take this other thing called the circle of justice. His punishment will be to spend a full year in isolation. Cole thinks that he can escapes and attempts to but fails miserably He is attacked by a mythical white spirit bear and almost dies. That is where I left off.

I really enjoy reading this type of genre which is fiction. I like reading it because it is fun and it in some way relates to people. I have read books similar to this one. One of them is Hatchet by Gary Pulsen. These books are alike because both kids parents are getting divorced. They are also similar because books are about a teen boy that is in the wilderness alone. Except Touching Spirit Bear Cole is stuck on that island intentionally and as a punishment/rehab for his soul. In Hatchet Brian gets stuck do to an accident but is later saved.

1 comment:

  1. Good, but next time be more specific about the type of fiction.
